The Construction Technology diploma will provide students with a broad background in foundational construction industry skills such as safety practices; use of hand and power tools; reading construction documents (i.e. drawings, specifications); project management; and basic electrical, carpentry, plumbing, HVAC, machining, and welding skills. Small community-based projects will provide the opportunity to apply these skills. Students will be introduced to several construction careers through site visits and subject matter expert guest lecturers to assist in choosing the right career path. The four primary trades highlighted in this program include carpentry, electrical, plumbing, and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC).
Building on the skills learned in the 1-year diploma, the AAS degree provides students with specific, advanced skills through immersive work-based learning experiences at industry partner job site(s). The AAS program also provides students with pathways to continue their education to a bachelor’s degree in Applied Engineering, Applied Management, or Project Management.
Now accepting applications for fall semester 2025. Please contact the Admissions Office for more information about enrolling in the Construction Technology program.