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Star Alert

Star Alert − Emergency Notifications

Star Alert is Pine Technical and Community College’s Emergency Notification System. It allows students and employees to receive text messages and email notifications in the event of campus-related emergencies.

In the event of an emergency, a Star Alert message will briefly note the nature of the emergency, what action, if any, you are to take, and where to find additional information. The Star Alert system will also be used to let you know if campus is closed or if classes are delayed or cancelled. In these instances, also refer to for the latest updates.

How Does it Work?

All students enrolled in one or more credit-based courses at PTCC will receive emergency messages through their official college email addresses.

If you have signed up to receive text messages from PTCC through the eServices (the grades and registration portal), the cell phone number you entered will also receive text messages through the StarAlert system.

We recommend that you log into the StarAlert system to verify your information. You may also add additional mobile phone numbers, voice phone numbers, or personal email addresses.

Log into the StarAlert System

Logging in is quick and easy. The first time you access the system, select Sign Me Up and log in using your first name and last name and your StarID email address. Your identification code will be your StarID.

You can find detailed instructions here: Pine Technical and Community College StarAlert System Documentation

Participants must be able to receive text or e-mail messages on their cell phones. Information submitted through the registration process will only be used for the StarAlert system.

We also recommend all students sign up to receive text messages through eServices. You can learn how to sign up for text message communications here: How to enroll in text message notification.

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