
Student Senate



The Student Senate is the official governing body and the voice for all students and consists of members who conduct elections and advocate for students’ needs and concerns. 

  • To organize, maintain and stimulate activities within the student body; 
  • To further academic interest and achievement with all groups of students; 
  • To encourage students to join student organizations related to their field of study; 
  • To encourage and support student understanding and participation in citizenship activities; 
  • To promote student/community relations; 
  • To establish communication between students and staff, community organizations and other educational bodies. 

 The Student Senate is involved in and carries out a variety of activities that vary from year to year. Examples of past activities include sponsorship of Welcome Week and De-Stress Fest activities, SNAP-O events, food and toy drives, holiday parties, etc. 

The Student Senate also has sponsored several major contributions to the College including the gazebo, monitors, picnic tables, landscaping, furniture, changing stations, etc. 

Any enrolled student paying post-secondary tuition and Student Senate activity fees for a minimum of 3 credits is eligible for membership. 

The following member rights apply:
1. To vote for elective positions of the student government;
2. To hold office, appointive or elective, when meeting the requirements as stated in Article IX;
3. To participate in Pine Technical & Community College activities;
4. To voice opinions on all issues presented to the Pine Technical & Community College Student Senate;
5. To bring forth motions on the floor 

  • President: Mackinzie Crandall
  • Vice President: Briana Urban
  • Secretary:  Aubree Bankey
  • Treasurer: Trent Welp
  • Parliamentarian: 

It is important to to stay informed on voting resources. Click below to learn more.


If you are in a student club and would like to request additional funds, please fill out the request for funds form. It will be reviewed by the student senate.


Request for Funds Form

If you are Student Club Advisor, this guide should help you understand your role. Please let the Student Senate Advisor know if you have any questionss.


Student Club Advisor Guide

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