Counseling services are available, free of charge, to assist students in attaining their personal and educational goals.
Counseling Services are available, free of charge, to assist students in attaining their personal and educational goals. Resources and support are tailored to help students with career, academic and/or personal concerns. Conversations are confidential, and students may drop by the Counselor’s office any time or set up an appointment. Students are encouraged to talk to the Counselor when life gets in the way of their success in classes!
Wellness is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” – World Health Organization. It is a daily practice in attending to our physical and mental health. Pine cares about students’ wellness! Keep an eye out for our annual Wellness week on campus and plan to sign up for Healthy U, our 8-week wellness series. Students can also schedule with our counselor to complete a Wellness Assessment and set wellness goals.
- Mental Health America self screening tools
- Mental Health 101-(click mental health information for a specific mental health concerns)
- Minnesota Help Information Search for resources by county and type of help needed; Minnesota Help also lists resources for immediate help.
- Crisis Text Line-Text HOME to 741741 for free, 24/7 crisis counseling.
- National Suicide Prevention 1-800-273 TALK (1-800-273-8255) If you, or someone you know, are feeling desperate, alone, or hopeless, call one of the national hotlines. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a free, 24/7 hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Your call will be routed to the nearest crisis center to you. For more information go to
- Text or call 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
- Mental Health Emergency 1-800-523-3333 (Serving Chisago, Isanti, Mille Lacs and Pine Counties). This 24-hour service is available for people overwhelmed or unable to cope with their feelings or relationships and who need immediate help.
- Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: Family Pathways 1-800-644-0003 (Serving Pine, Kanabec and surrounding areas) This organization provides free and confidential services including a 24-hour crisis phone line, information and referral, support groups and advocacy.
Meet with the Mental Health and Academic Wellness Coordinator . Schedule an appointment using the button below.