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Minnesota residents 62 years old or older may enroll in credit courses on a space-available basis without paying tuition and activity fees. The senior citizen rate applies only to students who are not collecting financial aid. Those choosing to enroll will be charged $15 per credit plus fees.

Senior citizens may register for a course the day after the first class meets if there is space available in the course. Senior citizens who wish to guarantee their enrollment in a course may register earlier, but they will be required to pay full tuition and fees. If a senior citizen guarantees enrollment by registering early, they will not be awarded the tuition benefit for that course at a later date.

Guaranteed Enrollment:

Senior citizens wishing to guarantee their enrollment in a course may register earlier, but would be required to pay full tuition and fees.

Senior Citizen Tuition and Costs

Cost to take a course using the Senior Citizen Rate

  • $15 per credit
  • Student fees, minus the Student Life fee
  • Any additional textbooks or materials

Auditing a Course

Auditing a course means attending but not taking tests, being graded, or earning college credit. Auditing students must still attend class and participate as required by the instructor. The request to audit a course must be made at the time of course registration. The Registrar must approve requests to audit a course. Email to request to audit a course.

Cost to Audit a Course

  • Standard tuition and fees
  • Any additional textbooks or materials

Steps to Become Eligible

Apply online to Pine Technical and Community College

Submit or receive Reading and Math Placements or meet Course Prerequisites. See Course Placement  for more information.


Declare “Undeclared” as your major on the application, or fill out the Add/Change Major form

Fill out the Senior Citizen Registration Form. On a space-available basis, students will be registered beginning on the second day of the term.

Senior citizens who register before the second day of the term are required to pay full tuition and fees for all courses.

Set up Tuition Payment Plan through eServices.

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