Campus will be closed March 14 at 12:00 p.m. for a water service interruption to the main campus due to our expansion and renovation project.
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Welcome to the PTCC Library! We have a large collection of books, DVDS, magazines, and newspapers available for use, in addition to a huge selection of resources via online databases. Other services in the library include interlibrary loan, group study rooms, desktop computers, printing and copying, and staff help. There is also 24/7 online chat help available through the library webpage. Our librarian provides help with research, citations, and will provide feedback on assignments as requested.

Using the Library



  • Articles
    • Browse our collections of journal, magazine, and newspaper articles alphabetically or by subject area. 
  • Research Guides
  • Print Periodicals
    • The library has a selection of print magazines and newspapers available for use; check this list to see what we have available in the library! Some also have online versions available that are accessible through the OneSearch catalog.
  • Gunsmithing Periodicals
  • OneSearch Catalog
    • The library has a selection of online print magazines and newspapers available for use.
  • Other Library Catalogs
    • Find links to several libraries and organizations that can help you find and access materials that PTCC’s library cannot access through its standard methods. If you have any questions about using the resources listed, please contact the organization directly for the most accurate information.

 Use this form to give us any feedback you may have about the library or library services! 

Library Services

Any enrolled student or approved external organization/artist may contribute artwork for display. All artwork must request approval by Art Exhibit Coordinators.


  • Most library resources check out for 21 days and can be renewed. Fines are not charged for overdue materials, but items must be returned to avoid placement of a hold on a student’s record, preventing the student from registering for classes or receiving grades and transcripts. If individuals damage or lose materials, costs for replacement will be assessed. 
  • Certain library materials have greater restrictions placed on them or are only checked out for shorter periods of time.
  • Interlibrary loan, also called ILL, is a service where other libraries will provide and ship requested books, articles, and other materials to the library at PTCC for student and faculty use. You can access and request materials through OneSearch, MnLink, or WorldCat. 
  • The majority of ILL services are free for you to use through PTCC.
  • The library has 17 desktop computers available for catalog and database searching and for computer-assisted learning and e-mail access. At some of the stations, you can use two screens, and at others, you can connect your laptop to the desktop screen to add a second screen.
  • The library also has limited laptops available for checkout. Ask the worker at the Service Desk to learn more. Starting spring 2024, there will be a modified process for checking out laptops.
    • All student laptops – including for PSEO students – will be done through the library. If students have technology issues with a laptop they have checked out, they will need to go to Technology Services for assistance for anything more than general assistance as outlined below.
    • PSEO students will have semester-long checkouts, with the date the laptop is due/expected back being the final weekday of classes in the current semester. This is to ensure that laptops are updated and in good working order before the following semester. All other students will have a 21-day checkout period, with the potential for renewals at the discretion of staff.
    • No laptops will be checked out before the second calendar day of classes of any semester.
    • In order to checkout a laptop on the second day of classes, students must either a) attend a Technology Tuesday session with library and/or Technology Services staff to receive an orientation, or b)  complete a Knowledge Check online to ensure competency in using basic technology at PTCC. Access the Knowledge Check HERE.
    • Starting the third calendar day of classes, laptop checkouts will require a brief technology orientation from a library staff upon checkout, including on how to connect with the PTCC and/or MinnState IT help desk for support throughout the semester.
    • Regardless of when they are checking out a laptop, students will continue to be required to fill out an agreement sheet outlining the terms of using the laptop. Responsibility for understanding the agreement falls with the student; if they have any questions or concerns, they must address them with library staff before receiving a laptop.
  • Library staff members assist in general computer orientation, including answering questions regarding accessing email, using Outlook 365 and other Microsoft products, connecting to the campus WiFi network eduroam, navigating online campus resources, using online library resources, and navigating the online portal while registering for classes. More in-depth questions, such as those regarding course specific technology, will be passed to Technology Services for assistance.
  • If you need assistance after hours and/or while you are off campus, see the page Resources for PTCC Technology FAQs.
  • Students can print, photocopy, and scan on the student printer in the library.
  • There is no cost for black-and-white copies and prints, while the cost is 10 cents per page for color.
  • A page is considered one side of a sheet of paper; one sheet can have up to two pages.
  • Each student starts with an automatic $2.00 on their account for color printing, or 20 pages. Money for color printing and copying is added to the student’s account at the Campus Store.
  • Library staff members at the Service Desk are happy to assist with these services if you have any questions about printing or copying documents.
  • The library has three Study Rooms available, each varying in size and the number of people they can seat. Use of Study Rooms must be reserved.
  • To reserve a room, stop by the Library Service Desk, and register on the sign-up form.
  • Rooms can only be reserved for periods of two hours at a time. 

All testing is done through the PTCC Testing Center

Test Preparation & Training

PTCC has chosen Infobase as an online training resource for students, faculty, and staff. This service is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Log in to Infobase Learning Cloud

Infobase provides a wide variety of trainings, workshops, how-to tutorials and projects for a multitude of applications and topics including:

  • Office 365
  • The Adobe Creative Suite
  • Chrome
  • Google Docs
  • D2L/Brightspace Student Training
  • D2L/Brightspace Instructor Training
  • Java
  • APA, MLA, and Chicago Style Research Paper Basics
  • Effective Presentation Design
  • Computing Literacy Basics Workshop for both Mac and PC
  • Facilitating a course in D2L
  • Landing the Job: Interview Techniques


  • EdReady lets you assess your readiness for college math, see study options, and get a personalized study path to fill in knowledge gaps. 

Learning Express Library 

  • Learning Express Library features online tutorials, practice tests, and eBooks to help patrons of all ages. It offers job search and workplace skills improvement, computer skills, skill building in reading, writing, math, and basic science, career certification and licensure exam prep, college and grad school entrance test prep, GED® test prep, and more.  You will need to create a log in and profile for this site. 

Video Resources

C-SPAN Video Library

  • This valuable video library includes everything that has ever aired on the C-SPAN channel.  Searchable and also includes not only legislative proceedings but thousands of hours of author interviews. 

Top Documentary Films

  • Collection of over 1300 stunning, eye-opening, interesting, and controversial full-length documentaries. 


  • Get free access to thousands of movies with your college log in. Enjoy critically-acclaimed movies, inspiring documentaries, award winning foreign films and more. 


  • The national Public Broadcasting Service website, which provides free access to PBS documentaries and shows.  

PBS LearningMedia

  • A free service for all teachers, students and families nationwide.  

TPT Originals

  • Free videos that focus on Minnesota history, people, places, arts & entertainment, and issues. This is a great source for films on Native American culture. 

TPT – Twin Cities PBS 

  • The Twin Cities-based PBS station, which provides free Minnesota-based video programming.  

TPT Video Archive

  • A streaming archive of programs aired on the TPT PBS station, including Minnesota-focused programming and nationwide PBS programming; some are accessible for free, some content requires a membership.

Contact us

Ask a library staff member for assistance in getting the right start to your project or assignment, citing sources, and in locating the best resources. 

Your Next Opportunity Awaits