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Gunsmithing/Pistolsmithing Courses


Gunsmithing/Pistolsmithing Courses

Gunsmithing is an art that has been a part of American history for many years. Many of the technological advancements in firearm history have been done by Gunsmiths. The gunsmith trade teaches students how to repair, assemble, modify or build firearms. Pine Technical & Community College offers courses to provide firearm enthusiasts with the knowledge necessary to keep their guns in first class condition.

New Gunsmithing Courses

Gunsmiths do modifications and changes to a firearm that may require a very high level of craftsmanship. Gunsmiths perform factory-level repairs and renovations to restore a well-used or deteriorated firearm to new condition. They may make alterations to adapt sporting guns to better fit the individual shooter that may require extensive modifications to the firearm’s stocks and metal parts. Repairs and redesigns may require fabrication and fitting of unavailable parts and assemblies constructed by smiths themselves. Gunsmiths may also renew metal finishes or apply decorative carvings or engravings to guns.

Dates: Contact Dawn Sandberg for information at

8:30am – 12:30pm $150.00

The goal of this course is to teach a basic, single-color finish application to one or two large parts such as the frame and slide of a pistol, the receiver and barrel of a rifle or shotgun, or the paired receiver sets of modern sporting rifles.

The following topics will be discussed:

  • Consistency & coverage application
  • Matching colors
  • Personal safety & fume control
  • Equipment/Product needs

Students will be able to choose desired color for their firearm parts from 5 stocked colors: Graphite Black, Magpole Flat Dark Earth, Magpole OD Green, Tungsten, Burnt Bronze.

**Please note: Students will need to bring their own personal firearm or firearm parts to class. Ammunition may be brought to the campus however it must be left in your vehicle. The instructor will advise when you are allowed to bring ammunition into the building for your test fire.**

Dates: Contact Dawn Sandberg at

8:30am – 1:30pm $290.00

*Prerequisite: Spray-On Coatings Level 1*

This course builds upon the level 1 class by
including camouflage and distressing options. Class will begin with a brief review of Level 1.

Students will have the option to apply patterns such as, distressing, weathering/antiquing, stenciled patterns, fishnet hose patterns and others to a firearm.

Dates: Contact Dawn Sandberg at

8:30am – 1:30pm $195.00

This course is designed to teach students how to accuize and perform an action job to their Glock pistol. Students will fully disassemble, modify and reassemble a Glock pistol. Class will include:

  • Lecture/Theory
  • In-depth description of safety mechanisms
  • Nature of the modification to the parts of the gun
  • Test fire for safety & evaluation of work

**Please note: Students will need to bring their own personal firearm or firearm parts to class. Ammunition may be brought to the campus however it must be left in your vehicle. The instructor will advise when you are allowed to bring ammunition into the building for your test fire.**

Kevin Muramatsu graduated from Pine  Technical & Community College in 2007 after completing the PTCC Gunsmithing program. He has been teaching this program at Pine for 11 years.

Kevin is the owner of Village Pine Custom Gunsmithing Inc. in Hugo, MN. The full-service gunsmith business is mainly known for paint refinishing for both manufacturers and private customers. The business also does repairs, cleaning, upgraded and custom pistol work.

Kevin is the author of several books including:
Gun Digest Book of Revolvers Assembly/Disassembly and Gun Digest Book of Automatic Pistols Assembly/Disassembly. He has also contributed to Gun Digest: The Magazine, Gun Digest Annual , AR Guns and Hunting, Concealed Carry Mag.


1911 Pistolsmithing/Customizing Build Course

PTCC is partnering with Brownells, a leader in the firearms industry for this exciting opportunity! In this class, you will learn how to build/customize and fit a 1911 pistol. All work will be done by hand fitting of slide to frame and all internal parts. **You MUST learn the art of precision filing for fitting all components. You will destroy your 1911 pistol if you do not!** For this class we will not be machining frames for ramped barrels and we will not be machining the slide for sights. You will need to purchase a slide with sight cuts.

Dates: 5/19/25 – 5/23/25 8am-5pm all days.

Cost: $40 Registration fee. Students will be required to supply their own 1911
or frame, slide, barrel and internal parts.

Sku Item Vendor Required Optional Must have equivalent
Digital Caliper X X
080-753-000 Slide/Fram Rail File Brownells X X
191-000-002 1911 Fitting & deburring file set Apex Tool Group X
080-751-000 Barrel locking lug file Brownells X
191-399-110 #2 cut, 6″ swiss pattern file Apex Tool Group X X
537-020-002 Double-face file cleaner Brownells X
080-000-444 1911 Magna-tip screw driver set Brownells X
080-810-100 Magazine well filler Brownells X
1911 Armorer’s block 10-8 Perfromance X
080-710-045 Single stack trigger stirrup die Brownells X
080-000-695 1911 Hammer Pin Reamer Brownells X
080-000-696 1911 Sear Pin Reamer Brownells X
080-000-089 Lug fitting kit Brownells X
080-434-045 1911 grip bushing driver bit Brownells X X
080-134-001 1911 slim grip bushing driver bit Brownells X
080-045-300 Enhanced bushing wrench Brownells X X
080-000-041 Barrel alignment block Brownells X
080-804-100 Bushing compensator fitting mandrel Brownells X
257-990-500 #9905 Carbide Cutter Dremel X
080-001-091 Plunger tube staking tool Brownells X
087-000-011 1911 Sear Jig Ed Brown X
657-246-246 6″x1/2″x1/2″ fine india stone Norton X X
657-246-146 6″x1/2″x1/2″ Stone Medium Norton X X
957-000-037 Extractor tensioning tool Weigand Combat X
080-721-230 Trigger track stone Brownells X
080-622-001 Trigger adjustment pins Brownells X
080-785-020 .020″shim stock Bronells
539-000-204 Trigger Pull Weight Gauge Lyman X
2 oz Ballpeen Hammer Martin Tools X X
354-000-021 4 oz Ballpeen Hammer Grace X
818-600-075 3/4″ Nylon/Brass Hammer Brownells X X
354-007-000 Grace Punch Set Grace X
184-000-041 .45 ACP Headspace Gauge Kit Clymer X
184-051-451 .45 ACP Finisher Barrel Reamer Clymer X
080-929-000 Hammer Stop Block PTG X
083-041-002 Twin pac 600 & 800 Lapping compound Brownells X
080-827-000 Twin Pac 600 & 800 Lapping Compound Brownells X
1911 Slide Measuring Tool Deep River Customs X

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