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Manufacturing Training



Skilled manufacturing workers are in high demand! Pine Technical & Community College offers a wide range of industry standard and customized training programs to meet management and regulatory requirements for general and specialized skills. 

MN All Licenses Boiler Operator Exam Prep Course

This two day seminar was designed with one purpose in mind – to help you pass the boiler operator exam. Whether you are taking a Minnesota Special Engineer or the Chief “A” licensing exam, this seminar will cover what you need. 

The State will test you on (and the exam prep class will cover) the following subjects: Thermodynamics, Boiler & System Types, Safety Devices, Instrumentation & Controls, Steam Systems, Feedwater Systems, Combustion Theory & Systems, Water Treatment Chemistry, Plant Operations, Plant Maintenance, Code Issues (MN, ASME, NBIC) and Numbers & Calculations. 

Special Note: The state must receive your application 15-20 days prior to your testing date. Download an application from the following link.

The address to send the application is located in the upper left hand corner of the application. It is the students responsibility to get this boiler license application to the state. You may also complete the DOLI online exam application form to speed up the application approval process.

May 19 & 20, 2025 8am-4:30pm

Cost: $295.00 

Location: Room 7107 in the Customized Training Solutions Building on campus (directly across the street from Blaze Credit Union) 

Additional course dates are offered through Sprung Services.

Reed Sprung: Started as a nuclear reactor operator in the navy. Reed is the CEO of Sprung Services, which is involved in operations of hundreds of boiler rooms in Minnesota and throughout the US. Reed has a Chief A license and 35 years of experience.  

Gordy Nordby: Gordy has been teaching boiler operations and maintenance for over 20 years. He has 34 years of experience in the field and currently holds a Minnesota Chief A license. Gordy is ASE certified as a master mechanic and machinist 


Manufacturing Foundations & Production Technologies Certificate Program

These certificates will provide students with the courses that are designed to be an introduction to production technologies and will provide initial information to start a career pathway in manufacturing. Classes are hybrid, offered interactive, online and do not require any on-site lab work. The first 4 classes qualify for the Manufacturing Foundation Certificate. All 8 classes qualify for the the Production Technologies Certificate. Students must declare both Manufacturing & Production Technologies as their major to graduation and receive certification for both programs.

Manufacturing Foundation Certificate (8 credits)

Safety Awareness (CMAE 1514, 2 credits)

Introduction of OSHA standards relating to personal protective equipment, Hazmat, tool safety, confined spaces and others. The course curriculum is based upon federally endorsed national standards for production workers. This course is designed to align with the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council’s (MSSC) assessment and certification system for Safety. Each student also receives an OSHA 10 card once this class is complete. 16 hours of online instruction, plus homework using the following required subscription: CareerSafe.

Quality Practices (CMAE 1522, 2 credits) Introduction to quality, including emphasis on corrective & preventative actions, control of documents, control of quality records, internal auditing of processes and control of non-conforming product. This course is designed to align with the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council’s (MSSC) assessment and certification system for Quality Practices. 16 hours of online instruction, plus homework using the following required 1-year subscription: Tooling U and Problem Solving Memory Jogger Textbook.

Maintenance Awareness (CMAE 1526, 2 credits)

Introduces the concepts of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)  & preventative maintenance. Students are introduced to lubrication, electricity, hydraulics, pneumatics and power transmission systems. This course is designed to align with the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council’s (MSSC) assessment & certification system for Maintenance Awareness. 16 hours of online instruction plus homework using Tooling U subscription purchased during the Quality Practices course.

Manufacturing Processes & Production (CMAE 1518, 2 credits)

Emphasizes Just-in-Time (JIT) manufacturing principles, basic supply chain management, communication skills and customer service. This course is designed to align with the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council’s (MSSC) assessment and certification system for Manufacturing Processes. 16 hours of online instruction, plus homework including Tooling U subscription purchased during the Quality Practices Course.

Production Technologies Certificate (16 Credits)  **Taking these additional courses listed below will quality the student for this certificate**

Technical Math (CMAE 1502, 3 credits)

The goal of this course is to help individuals acquire a solid foundation in the basic skills of math, shop algebra and geometry. Math instruction to include: fundamentals of math, fractions and decimals, units of measure, lines and angles, triangles, shop geometry, circles and polygons, shop algebra and the Pythagorean Theorem. Accuplacer testing is required prior to the course start date. 24 hours of online instruction, plus homework. Required materials: Scientific calculator with fraction key. Lessons available in D2L. Students will need to print lessons prior to each class OR log into D2L during class to follow along. D2L Brightspace is an online course management system and is free for all students. It provides students with an interface for accessing the content of their online courses, including the syllabus, course calendars, lessons, assignment tool, quizzes and discussion forums.

Print Reading (CMAE 1510, 2 credits)

Basic Skills and abilities required for understanding prints utilized in a manufacturing environment will be gained. Emphasis will be on interpretation of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing. symbols/principles, alphabet of lines, multi-view drawing (including orthographic projection, isometric views and perspective drawing), title blocks, revision systems, identification of general/local notes, dimensions and tolerances, basic principles of math/geometry in relation to mechanical print reading, interpretation of basic weld symbols, techniques of basic shop sketching and interpretation of three-dimensional drawings. 16 hours of online instruction plus homework using the following E-book: Print Reading for Industry.

Career Success Skills (CMAE 1528, 1 credit)

Students will be introduced to skills that will help them succeed in the workplace, including communication skills, productivity, teamwork, conflict resolution and critical thinking. Students will be able to identify professional skills, learn how to assess their abilities, and identify ways to improve. 8 hours online instruction, plus homework. No required textbook.

Introduction to Computers (CMAE 1506, 2 credits)

This is an introductory course in Microsoft Office computer applications for technical fields. The primary goal of this course is to help individuals acquire a hands-on working knowledge of current personal computer applications including: work processing, spreadsheets, database, presentations, learning management and internet browser software. 16 hours online instruction plus homework. This course requires basic computer knowledge and skills. Required Materials: Computer with Microsoft Office 2013 or newer. There is a test-out option if students feel they are knowledgeable in this area.

Please contact Dawn Sandberg for pricing and course schedule at: or 320-629-5184.

Manufacturing New Hire Boot Camps

Maximize your employee’s potential in the manufacturing field! A Manufacturing New Hire Boot Camp is a fast-track, short-term training program that offers employers or job seekers training in workplace skills and techniques, while addressing skill gaps. This new hire training helps prepare individuals for employment in the manufacturing industry. 

Employers are looking for a simple and effective way to help new employees with basic manufacturing skills. Boot camps are developed to align with high-growth industries and provide employers with a much needed pipeline to help employees with soft skills and a basic understanding of technical skills.  

The boot camp curriculum focuses on how to be a successful employee in the industry; reinforcing the importance of arriving to work on time, working as part of a team and focusing on each team member’s role in the quality of the products produced.  

The following courses are directed toward new hires or employees that may need to sharpen their skills: 

  • Soft Skills 
  • Safety Skills 
  • Quality Skills 
  • Print Reading Skills 
  • Technical Math Skills 

Materials will be provided to students via email. Students must have the following items prior to class beginning:  

  • Computer with a web camera & microphone 
  • Internet access 
  • Email address 

Soft Skills Bootcamp  

Hiring managers are looking for individuals that not only know how to do the daily tasks of the job, but also how to be a good fit for the company. Soft skills include communication, time management and stress management. They play an important role in creating a cohesive working environment. In this course students will be able to achieve measurable goals in reliability, teamwork, initiative and self-direction, responsibility and accountability, emotional maturity, adaptability and respect.  

Safety Skills Bootcamp  

Workplace safety begins with increasing hazard awareness. This course will introduce hazards associated with the following topics: OSHA, personal protective equipment (PPE), walking, working surfaces, emergency action plans, fire protection, hazardous communication and machine guarding.  

Quality Skills Bootcamp

Excellent quality is the best way to control costs. In this course students will be introduced to LEAN principles such as continuous improvement, recognizing and eliminating waste and 5S. This course will also discuss methods used for measuring, calibration and problem solving.  

Print Reading Bootcamp  

The ability to read and interpret blueprints is a useful skill to understand specifications in the manufacturing field. Some basic skills required for understanding prints utilized in a manufacturing environment will be gained. Emphasis will be on line conventions and lettering, title blocks and parts list, multi-view drawings, section views, auxiliary views, dimensioning and tolerancing.  

Technical Math Bootcamp  

In today’s manufacturing world, strong math skills are essential. If precise inputs are not achieved, it can cost a company thousands of dollars in damaged equipment and lost productivity. The primary goal of this course is to help individuals understand the basic skills of math which includes: application of fractions, decimals, exponents, order of operations and percentages. 

Contact for Details

Building Contractor Training & Workplace Safety Training

PTCC’s Continuing Education & Customized Training department specializes in training for building contractors and conducting workplace safety seminars. Let us help you design your program today! 

This year’s seminar will focus on the MN Residential Code update, Tall Walls/Braced Walls, the MN Energy Code and Business Management. 

January 2025 Dates Coming Soon!    8:00am-4:30pm    $150.00 

Class is located in the Customized Training Solutions Building. We are located on the corner of Hillside and Main streets in Pine City, directly across the street from Spire Credit Union. 

PTCC’s Continuing Education & Customized Training Department offers consultation & training for workplace safety in the following areas:  

  • Development & implementation of your safety committee 
  • Environmental/Safety audits of your facilities & job sites 
  • Assist with development of written programs.  
  • Conduct required compliances training for shop, plant and job site personnel 
  • AWAIR/safety programs 
  • Right to Know/Hazard Communication 
  • Confined Space Entry 
  • Forklift Safety 
  • Respiratory Programs & FIT Testing 
  • Lockout/Tagout 
  • Personal Protective Equipment 
  • Fire Extinguisher Safety 
  • Electrical Safety 
  • Hearing Conservation 
  • Supervisor Training 
  • Team Building & Conflict Resolution 
  • Ergonomics & Back Injury Prevention 
  • OSHA 10 hour & 30 Hour Certification 


Introduction to Basic Welding

Learn the art and craft of welding. Be a part of a career that offers more choices of industries to work in than just about any other field. Explore the endless career opportunities in the high demand field of welding! 

This 120 hour course is designed to give the student knowledge of welding principles & safety considerations. The course will focus on developing the basics of wire feed, tungsten, inert gas (TIG), gas metal arc (MIG) & shielded metal arc (Stick) welding (SMAW). The participant will also be exposed to brazing, oxyacetylene cutting & applied blueprint reading. After satisfactory completion, they will be able to view a blue print, interpret it, determine types of welds & perform various fundamental welding functions. 

Contact for Details

Basic Small Engine Maintenance

Learn the skills that will help you maintain your own small engines. Come with the general knowledge of your equipment and our instructor will help answer any questions! 

Basic Small Engine Maintenance carefully details the many systems, tools and parts involved in the successful maintenance of your small engines. The instructor will share with the class general maintenance everyone should know when putting equipment away after the summer and how to prepare to use in the fall and winter. This course is for anyone looking to save money by knowing how to perform general & preventative maintenance on your lawn mowers, weed whips, leaf blowers, tillers, snow blower etc. 

Contact Dawn Sandberg for more information at 320-629-5184 or



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At PTCC, we make college possible for those starting out or starting over. Whether you seek a career program, new skills or general education transferable to another college or university, Pine is an excellent choice! Join us for an on-campus or virtual information session.

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