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Local transportation options to help you reach your destination

Arrowhead Transit is a public transportation services in Northeastern Minnesota that can accommodate many transportation needs including getting to and from school or work, appointments and shopping. 800.862.0175  

Timber Trails Public Transit is a public transit service in Kanabec County that offers three types of transportation: Public Transit, Common Carrier, and Veteran’s Transportation.  888.217.5222   

Attaboys Taxi offers taxi and medical transportation services along with used autos and repair and recovery service 320.245.5355  

You can search this site to find more options near your residence

Pine City Dial-A-Ride: available within the Pine City limits

  • Call 1-800-862-0175, option 6
  • Operating Hours: Monday to Friday: 6:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.; Saturday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Sunday: 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
  • Bus Fare: $1.50 per ride; $15.00 for a book of 10 one-way tickets; $27.00 for an unlimited monthly pass.

*Search Arrowhead Transit website for more travel options/locations

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