Student employment is a convenient way for student to get work place experience, while making money to help them with the costs of college. Student employees are paid on a bi-weekly pay period, earn $14.00 per hour, and are allowed to work up to 16 hours per week during the academic year. Most positions are funded by federal or state work study funds; however, some are funded by student worker funds. Each position description states what funding is used for the position. If you have additional questions or want to know if you qualify for work study, book an appointment with Financial Aid or drop in the Financial Aid office located in Student Affairs.
Student Employment Agreement Form
- Please print and bring the agreement form above when you meet with the position supervisor.
- If you are interested in a position, contact the supervisor listed on the position description for more information and to see if the position is still available.
Student Office Assistant
Working in an office on campus can help gain job experience. Student office assistants learn customer service, business practices, professionalism in the workplace and build leadership skills.
- REC Center Assistant
- Adult Basic Education (ABE) Office Assistant
- Library Assistant Day
- Library Assistant Evening
- Admissions and Recruitment Office Assistant
- Student Success Office Assistant
- Veterans Center Assistant
Student Maintenance Worker
Join the maintenance department and help Pine look and run smoothly. Student maintenance workers learn good work ethics, responsibility and safety practices on the job.
Student Lab Assistant
Student lab assistants are an important role on campus not only for faculty but students as well. Student lab assistants learn leadership skills, work ethics and safety practices on the job.
Pine Children’s Teacher’s Aide
Peer Tutor
Working as a peer tutor is a rewarding job on campus. Peer tutors learn customer services, empathy, professionalism in the workplace and build leadership skills.