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Whether you are looking to increase your level of education or improve the quality of your program, we have grants and scholarships available to help.

Annual Grants

A mended fence, an updated safer crib purchase, a class on child development or new art supplies. These are the types of improvements to child care programs made possible by the Child Care Aware Grants Program. 

The Annual Service Grant applications are available to qualified child care providers. And can be used for a variety of purchases, including but not limited to: 

  • Purchase of curricula
  • Purchase of materials, toys, equipment activity centers, assessment tools
  • Purchases to promote health and wellness, also household safety, child safety and outdoor safety
  • Training and Education 

Grant funds are limited and are awarded on a competitive basis. Unlike Start-up and Emergency grants, that are on-going while funds last, the Annual Service Grants are open September 1st-25th of each year. Please view the Grant Application Guide and apply.



Links to the annual Service Aware Grants will be available September 1st.


Links to the annual Service Award Grants will be available September 1st.

T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood MINNESOTA is a scholarship program that helps early childhood and school-age care professionals increase their education, compensation and commitment to the field. More information about the T.E.A.C.H. MINNESOTA Grant. 

R.E.E.T.A.I.N (Retaining Early Educators Through Attaining Incentives Now) is a workforce retention program that strives to reduce the turnover rates among childcare providers who work with young children. Grant recipients are free to use grant dollars as they choose. Grant dollars are considered additional salary and may be used to pay bills, reinvest in your in your childcare setting, or cover personal expenses. More Information about the REETAIN Grant. 

Specialized Grants 

These funds are available to assist with the costs associated with start-up for newly licensed or soon to be licensed childcare providers/programs. Grants are limited to items and services required in writing by licensing or the Fire Marshall. 

These grants are to assist child care providers who are experiencing an emergency that jeopardizes their immediate ability to provide services, or is experiencing a situation that affects the health and safety of children in care. 

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